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Sallisaw Public Schools

High School


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Sallisaw High School

2301 West Ruth | Sallisaw, OK | 74955 | 918-775-7761

Russell Tillery, Principal
Email Mr. Tillery

Sallisaw High School strives to provide a variety of programs to engage all students.  Partnerships with CASC and ICTC allow students to acquire college credits and industry certifications.  Students also have numerous extracurricular activities to choose from, including athletics, fine arts, academics, eSports, and much more.  Continuous improvement is the expectation of every Sallisaw High School faculty, staff, and student. 



Sallisaw High School Teacher of the Year

Mr. Rhoads is a third-year teacher at Sallisaw High School. After high school graduation, he continued his education at Carl Albert State College and John Brown University, where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications and Leadership Studies. Mr. Rhoads serves as the Business Professionals of America (BPA) Chapter Advisor, Yearbook Advisor, Media Production Sponsor, and Department Chair for the Business division at Sallisaw High School. In his spare time, Mr. Rhoads enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He enjoys traveling, vacationing, and working with electronic devices. He and his wife Tabitha, have been married for 14 years. They have two children- Ava and Luke who both attend Sallisaw Public Schools.  Mr. Rhoads uses different teaching strategies in his classroom such as project-based learning, cooperative learning, and several professional development strategies. Mr. Rhoads believes in clear communication between students, parents, and educators. He also believes in students being self-motivated in their educational studies to help them become productive citizens. One of his favorite quotes from college is "We should always strive to be life-long learners, and continuously learn". Mr. Rhoads is proud to be a part of the Black Diamond Nation!