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Sallisaw Public Schools

Eastside Elementary


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The mission of the Eastside School Counseling Program is to promote being an UPstander and to help kids become better students.  The goal of the program is to provide leadership opportunities through the Leader in Me program and provide skills building for academic, life skills, and career development..  Counseling services are provided through classroom guidance, problem-solving meetings, individual, and group counseling.  The school counselor is a resource for the family for any concerns or questions. 

Mrs. Pack is a bullying prevention specialist through the American School Counseling Association.  During guidance, students learn how to problem solve, demonstrate leadership, and be upstanders.  Students learn skills and confidence with how to respond, report, and refuse to engage in unkind behaviors.  Mrs. Pack is here to support every child and encourages all of the students to participate in the friendship-making programs. 

“We all work together to create a safe, caring, and respectful environment.”

Oklahoma State Testing Program Spring 2025

-April 15th to May 2nd

Parent Teacher Student Guide (PTSG)



Student Practice Tests


Mandy Pack | M. Ed

Eastside School Counselor
Sallisaw Public Schools